Animoval jsem vznik motýla. Nejprve jsem přemýšlel, jak animaci provést. Vybral jsem si papírové modely, protože mi připadají nejpěknější. Moc mne bavila příprava figurek i samotná animace. Je to má první animace, mám z ní radost a už se těším na další!
Motýl | animace | .mp4
Ondra Haman | 12 let
Česká republika – SVČ Korunka Ostrava, příspěvková organizace, Korunní 49, 709 00 Ostrava
Looking forward to more exciting works from the author in the future. This animation is not only a beginning, but also a starting point full of potential and creativity! Piglet's Big Game
Ondra Haman, a 12-year-old animator from the Czech Republic, created his first animation of a butterfly's transformation using paper models. He enjoyed designing the figures and animating the butterfly’s emergence. This creative project sparked his excitement for future animations, capturing his imaginative journey in Motýl with joy and enthusiasm. Click here for More Details
Ondra Haman, a 12-year-old from the Czech Republic, brings a butterfly to life in his first animation using paper models. His choice of paper adds a delicate beauty to the project, and he’s thrilled with the results. Ondra’s passion shines through, setting the stage for future creative animations. Access Geometry Dash Pro APK download!
This video is fantastic. Seeing the butterfly animation made me feel very surprised and gratified. Choosing paper models as animation materials is a brilliant idea that not only showcases creativity, but also showcases the beauty of paper art. JFIF2 Level Devil
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